The training of forensic anthropologists in Mexico: a road under construction


  • Lourdes Márquez Morfín Escuela Nacional de Antropología e Historia



forensic anthropology, training, research, methods, techniques


Teaching Forensic Anthropology in Mexico had not gained widespread recognition until recent days, when insecurity and violence extend academics forced at various trenches of teaching, to prepare professionals who can meet the serious problems of the number of missing people and assist in the identification of the victims. In this sense, the postgraduate program in Physical Anthropology (paf) opened a research line in its curriculum, known as line of forensic anthropology. Our aim is to present to the academic community this proposal from some general considerations about this field knowledge and practice. We present the curriculum map and the minimum contents of the courses, which were made from consulting the different curricula of other countries, especially those in Colombia, Peru, Spain and England. Review of the topics discussed and the design of them depend on the particular goals of the programs in each country. We also nourished from the information contained in books and manuals on forensic anthropology, which serve as a guide to define the essential knowledge that must be referred to in our graduate program. On the other hand, I think it is important to start the discussion about the need for the lifelong learning and professional and solid specialists in this field.


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How to Cite

Márquez Morfín, L. (2016). The training of forensic anthropologists in Mexico: a road under construction. Estudios De Antropología Biológica, 16(1).



Antropología Forense

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