Estatura y desempeño reproductivo en los hombres chorote
reproductive success, total stature, ethnos Chorote, Great South American ChacoAbstract
In the western societies the stature is positively related with the reproductive performance for the men, but some works have shown that this is not verified in non western contexts. In this work the relationships are analyzed between the mature stature and a number of components of the reproductive performance in a masculine population with natural fertility of the ethnos Chorote of the Great South American Chaco, living in the conjunction of Argentina, Paraguay and Bolivia. The average of stature, percentual frequency and sex ratio of total, dead and survivors children’s number, indexes of relationship children alive/dead children and the correlation and determination coefficients between stature and the three variables “children” were calculated. The individual values for stature were divided in quartile and the variables for each quartile were re-calculated. It was found that each father contributes with 4.9 children, of which only survive 2.3 children. There is a low and negative correlation between the stature and the three variables “children”. The stature doesn’t play an important role in the reproductive performance of the men Chorote. The interaction between births and deaths generate a prevalence of female descent, with the ultimate aim of strengthen the relative linage.
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