Enterramientos en el atrio del templo del exconvento de San Juan Evangelista, Acatzingo, Puebla
funerary customs, colonial and contemporaneus ephocsAbstract
The research discusses the human burials located in the atrium of the Franciscan ex-convent of San Juan Evangelista, Acatzingo, Puebla, where 37 primary burials (21 adults, 5 juveniles, and 11 infants) and 12 skeletal collections (secondary burials) were recovered. The most frequent position of the individuals was supine, with west to east orientation (cranium to the west). The temporality of the remains is estimated at 150 years, that is, they correspond to the second half of the 19th century. The objects directly associated with the burials, mainly with the infant ones, consist of earrings, buttons, and necklaces. Among the ceramic materials found in the fill were prehispanic and colonial figurines and potsherds from both these and modern periods. Archaeological excavation showed that the site was one of continuous interments, given the presence of secondary burials (skeletal collections) and of complete primary burials. Some of these were disturbed when carrying out later interments. A review of the parochial archive corroborated the use of the atrium of the ex-convent of Acatzingo as a burial site.
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