The process of living with type 2 diabetes. Person and Family: A grounded theory.

Miguel Angel Zenteno López, Teresa Carreón Lozano, Claudia Martínez Villanueva, Beatríz García Solano, Guillermina García Madrid


Complementary and alternative medicine. What Experience its users have?

Edwin Alexis Velasco Lozano, Eduardo Gusman Morales, Ana Lorena Ordoñez Monroy, Daniel Torres Razo, Nohemí De la Garza Castañón, Christopher Álvarez Martínez, Dulce María Guillén Cadena


An Unloading of Emotions: Living with Epilepsy

Claudia Viridiana Vázquez Mata, Sandra Viridiana Ruíz López, Paloma Carapia Fierros, Juan José Cruz Vera, Dulce María Guillén Cadena


Areas of opportunity and the nursing researcher’s role

Abraham Alonso Ricardez, Leticia Cuevas Guajardo, Myrna Miriam Valera Mota, Javier Alonso Trujillo, Luis Alberto Regalado Ruíz


Ethical dilemma in the evacuation of a hospital during an earthquake

Ana Teresa Peralta Muñoz, María de los Ángeles Godínez Rodríguez, Erick Piña Mora
