Narrative of nursing: Nursing symbols in the Autonomous University of Central America

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Hazel Bonilla Ureña


Introduction. Nursing is a discipline that has undergone changes throughout its history. Nevertheless, since antiquity, its symbology has continued to represent the essence and being of the profession. Out of all the symbols that remain relevant, the white uniform, the cap, and the lamp remain those with the most meaning. Body. Many nursing schools around the world carry out different rituals—such as the imposition of caps, the blessing of the nursing symbols, and the ceremony of light—in order to demonstrate to the students, the foundation of nursing and its meaning to society. For example, the Autonomous University of Central America (UACA) carries out a solemn imposition of caps and lab coats with the purpose of ratifying the vocation and commitment that students must acquire as they begin clinical rotations. The narrative allows us to know the experience undergone in the ceremony of imposition of caps and the meaning that it holds for students, their families, and the university. Conclusion. Symbols have a great impact on nursing professionals and on society, as they have been present for centuries. Despite the fact that the profession has evolved, their meaning is still ingrained in people’s consciousness. Furthermore, it is necessary for nursing students as future professionals to value the importance of proper use and the meaning of these symbols in order for the profession to enjoy a good social image.


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How to Cite
Bonilla Ureña, H. . (2023). Narrative of nursing: Nursing symbols in the Autonomous University of Central America. CuidArte Journal, 12(24).

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