I don't know why, but I love him: A nursing narrative.

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Maritza Lizeth Cárdenas-Rodríguez


The narrative is an experience lived and shared between two people, they are presented as a way to obtain greater knowledge about nursing care, emphasizing small details that worry those who are cared for. As a result, a deep knowledge in the art of caring from practice to theory is provided to the discipline.

Newman et al. identified the central concepts of the nursing discipline: health, caring, consciousness, mutual process, patterning, presence and meaning; recognizing the dynamic and unique process in the face of their convergence in the act of caring.


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How to Cite
Cárdenas-Rodríguez, M. L. (2024). I don’t know why, but I love him: A nursing narrative. CuidArte Journal, 13(25). https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.23958979e.2024.13.25.84904

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