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Rosa Nury Zambrano Bermeo
Germán David Suarez Piraban
Yerly Johanna Lasso Sepulveda
Karen Julieth Portilla Cornejo
Catalina Estrada González


Introduction: university life is determined by a variety of stressors such as the demands of educational activities, expectations to achieve good grades, limited time to solve them and little interaction with social groups. Objective: to design an educommunicative strategy on health for the prevention of stress in university students. Methodology: methodological study of the design of an educommunicative strategy, using the Design thinking method. Results: it was evidenced that the lack of methods to control stress, the inadequate balance of time between work and leisure, and the inadequate balance to prevent fatigue, were the main findings related to stress management, from there, the creation of relevant content for the creation of a podcast, as an educommunicative proposal. Conclusion: the designed podcast becomes an educational and communicational bet that seeks to reach a young audience, which is in constant interaction with digital media, which determines a relevant means to address issues of interest in a preventive and responsible way with the self-care of mental health.


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How to Cite
Zambrano Bermeo, R. N., Suarez Piraban , G. D. ., Lasso Sepulveda, . Y. J. ., Portilla Cornejo, K. J. ., & Estrada González, C. (2024). DESIGN OF HEALTH EDUCATION-COMMUNICATION STRATEGY FOR STRESS MANAGEMENT IN UNIVERSITY STUDENTS . CuidArte Journal, 13(25).

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