Quality of life and coping strategies in women with breast cancer: literature review
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Introduction. Breast cancer generates experiences that alter women´s psychoemotional well-being, which promotes the development of coping strategies that can modify the perception of their quality of life and, therefore, their adaptation. Objective. To analyze the available scientific evidence on women's perception of quality of life during breast cancer treatment and its relationship with the coping strategies developed. Methodology. A review of the scientific literature published in Spanish and English between the years 2016 to 2022 was performed by systematic search in databases such as EBSCO, Google Scholar, PubMed, Scielo, and ScienceDirect, using health science descriptors and Boolean connectors. The recommendations of the PRISMA statement were followed. Results. Eleven articles met the established criteria, and were classified as level VI evidence, most of them corresponding to quantitative cross-sectional/correlational studies. Strategies such as "fighting spirit" and "positive attitude" had a positive correlation with the quality of life at a high level, allowing adaptation to breast cancer changes, contrary to strategies such as "helplessness/hopelessness" and "anxious worry" that altered emotional and functional well-being. Conclusions. The relationship between the perception of quality of life and the coping strategies developed is conditioned by the experiences of the health-disease process and feelings of worthlessness due to the absence of support systems, limiting adaptation. The use of negative strategies was correlated with a decrease in quality of life.
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