Nursing leadership and leadership beyond nursing

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René Mauricio Barría Pailaquilén


Introduction. Nursing staff have developed leadership over time, and its practice has taken part of the professional recognition that nurses demonstrate today worldwide. The exercise of leadership ranges from the influence in small groups to directive degrees in which the decision-making is relevant for the institutional action to provide people with the best attention. Body. Theories, styles, models and characteristics of management have been developed at different times and these are adjusted to the contexts, social environments and the dynamics of human interrelationships. Defining the style of leadership to adopt goes beyond reproducing what the theorists have proposed and it demands an ownership from the trainers who must solve their own questions in order to transfer these competencies of leadership using the most convenient methods. Conclusion. The fields in which nursing develops today require pertinent instruction to develop leadership capabilities at different levels, without fear or distrust, and to become genuine agents of change, which truly results in quality health care.


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Barría Pailaquilén, R. M. (2020). Nursing leadership and leadership beyond nursing. CuidArte Journal, 9(18.1).

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