Breaking new ground: research as promoter of disciplinary developmen

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María Mercedes Arias Valencia


Introduction. The thematic framework proposed by the journal intends to develop the theme of research and its importance as promoter of disciplinary development. The leadership in research will be sustained through my biography and accomplishments, making a brief description of how I got it. Body. Moving around in the midst of cultural and contextual limitations, I was trained and have constantly learned from the Embera Indians of Antioquia, from the research projects and from the journey between teaching, researching, acting and teaching again. Becoming a "researcher" and making it part of our lives requires distancing ourselves from positions and routines, overcoming constant obstacles and assuming great challenges. Conclusion. The comprehensive paradigm allows us to learn different complex phenomena that an approach based on methodological monism does not solve. Researching implies creative acts and contributes from solid foundations, to the disciplinary development and in lasting form to the care of life and health.


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How to Cite
Arias Valencia, M. M. (2020). Breaking new ground: research as promoter of disciplinary developmen. CuidArte Journal, 9(18.1).

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