Evaluation of Psychosocial Risks Presents in Workers of an Industry of Manufactura

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Kenia Guadalupe Reyes Gutiérrez
Nancy Viridiana Ruiz Vargas
Ruth Magdalena Gallegos Torres


Introduction.Psychosocial risks in the workplace are an issue of importance since they trigger a series of social, environmental, physical and physiological problems in the worker, being together the cause of stress. Objective.Evaluate the psychosocialrisk factors present in workers in a manufacturing industry. Methodology.Descriptive cross-sectional study; CoPsoQ-istas21questionnaire was applied. 74 workers participated, including operatives and administrative staff of an industry in the municipality of Querétaro, after signing informed consent. Results.The average age was 39 years SD ± 13; the male sex predominated with 86.7%. 53.3% are married, 31.7% have a full degree and 78.3% claim not to have had an accident at work in the company. 36.7% statethat their health is good to very good, 35% mention that sometimes work in general produces emotionally exhausting moments, 43.3% show that they always receive support from their peers, 41.7% reveal that they always talk to the supervisor and that he/she is willing to listen to their labor problems, 40% indicated that sometimes the immediate bosses make sure that the workers have opportunities for professional development and 25% are always worried about getting injured at work. Conclusions.This study showed that the psychosocial factors most present in the company have to do with the organizational climate and the treatment of bosses with workers, aspects that must be worked on to avoid future risks, so that the nursing professional plays a relevant role. Keywords:Occupational risks; occupational health; workers; occupational nursing


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How to Cite
Reyes Gutiérrez, K. G., Ruiz Vargas, N. V., & Gallegos Torres, R. M. (2019). Evaluation of Psychosocial Risks Presents in Workers of an Industry of Manufactura. CuidArte Journal, 8(15), 33–44. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.23958979e.2019.8.15.69155

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