Ethical dilemma in the evacuation of a hospital during an earthquake

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Ana Teresa Peralta Muñoz
María de los Ángeles Godínez Rodríguez
Erick Piña Mora


Introduction. Mexico is prone to a wide range of geological phenomena. It is considered one of the countries with the highest rates of seismic activity worldwide, as demonstrated by the over 90 earthquakes of magnitude 4 or higher on the Richter scale that strike Mexico each year according to the Natural Disasters Fund. The World Health Organization has formulated a Strategy for Disaster Reduction in which it used, in 2004, the term “secure hospitals” with the aim of allowing people access to properly- functioning healthcare facilities during and after a natural disaster. Development. These hospitals treat people whose health conditions limit their mobility and/or functioning and reduce their decision-making abilities. Among these patients, those who are treated in the most critical units (operating rooms, intensive care)—as well as pediatric patients—are the most vulnerable when facing a disaster. Therefore, it is essential that the hospital staff and safety officials cautiously follow civil protection guidelines when evacuating the patients. Conclusions. This essay lays out the ethical dilemmas that healthcare professionals face during a natural disaster. It also contextualizes, from both a normative and a moral standpoint, the responses that best allow timely action in such a situation in which the people involved are not held liable for their decisions at the time of the emergency. Indeed, it is important to define, based on law and ethics, the healthcare professionals’ responsibilities in the case of a catastrophe.


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How to Cite
Peralta Muñoz, A. T., Godínez Rodríguez, M. de los Ángeles, & Piña Mora, E. (2018). Ethical dilemma in the evacuation of a hospital during an earthquake. CuidArte Journal, 7(14), 52–60.

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Author Biographies

Ana Teresa Peralta Muñoz

LEO. EQ. Enfermera adscrita al quirófano de Neurocirugía del HGM. 

María de los Ángeles Godínez Rodríguez, FESI-UNAM

Doctora en Ciencias de Enfermería, Profesora asociada "C" de TC, FES Iztacala. UNAM. 

Erick Piña Mora

Dr. Otorrinolaringólogo y Cirujano de cabeza y cuello. Especialista del Centro Médico Dalinde/Hospital Médica Sur. 


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