An Unloading of Emotions: Living with Epilepsy

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Claudia Viridiana Vázquez Mata
Sandra Viridiana Ruíz López
Paloma Carapia Fierros
Juan José Cruz Vera
Dulce María Guillén Cadena


Introduction. Epilepsy is the second most common neurological illness in Mexico. According to the World Health Organization, it is a chronic recurrent condition characterized by synchronic and sporadic hyperactivity in the brain cells, which show electric discharges. Stigmatizing this illness can cause biological, psychological, or social repercussions on subjects and their families. Objective. To explain how epilepsy is experienced by patients enrolled in the “Accepting Epilepsy” group of the November 20 Hospital of the Mexican Institute for Social Security and Services for State Workers (ISSSTE). Methodology. Qualitative, phenomenological, and interpretive study. Data were obtained via a group interview of eight patients belonging to the “Accepting Epilepsy” group. Subjects were representative of the total population, had lived with epilepsy for at least three years, and were undergoing treatment for the illness. Findings. Subjects demonstrated both positive and negative feelings and emotions as well as difficulties in interpersonal relations, both within society and within the family. These difficulties hinder the subjects’ ability to live well. Conclusions. Epilepsy damages the self-esteem, independence, and interpersonal relations of those who suffer from it. This can lead to an over-protection of patients by their families, which prevents them from living their lives as they would like to.


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How to Cite
Vázquez Mata, C. V., Ruíz López, S. V., Carapia Fierros, P., Cruz Vera, J. J., & Guillén Cadena, D. M. (2018). An Unloading of Emotions: Living with Epilepsy. CuidArte Journal, 7(14), 30–41.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Dulce María Guillén Cadena, FESI-UNAM

Doctora en Educación. Profesora Titular “B” TC, FES Iztacala. UNAM. 


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