Strategy for reducing the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese adolescents

Main Article Content

Javier Alonso Trujillo
Ariel Ramírez Cortes
Leticia Cuevas Guajardo


Introduction. Metabolic syndrome is a health

problem that has become worryingly prevalent

worldwide among all age brackets. Sedentary

lifestyle and a grease- and flour-rich diet are

modifiable factors that predispose people to

illness. Objective. To demonstrate that a strategy

of consuming of oatmeal and apples, along with

increased physical activity and nutritional guidance,

can diminish the prevalence of metabolic syndrome

in overweight and obese adolescents. Methodology.

Quasi-experimental, prospective, and analytical

cross-study. A health-promoting strategy was

applied to nine overweight or obese adolescents

during 30 days. Two diagnostic criteria (ATP III

and IDF) were used to identify cases of metabolic

syndrome. Results. No significant change was

found in the risk factors of metabolic syndrome.

Only two subjects saw improvement in waist

circumference once the strategy had been fully

implemented. A healthy waist circumference is very

important, as central obesity leads to metabolic

changes. Conclusion. The implemented strategy

improved waist circumference in two subjects and

decreased the prevalence of metabolic syndrome.

It is recommended to increase the duration and

intensity of the strategy and apply strict nutritional



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How to Cite
Alonso Trujillo, J., Ramírez Cortes, A., & Cuevas Guajardo, L. (2017). Strategy for reducing the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in overweight and obese adolescents. CuidArte Journal, 6(11), 6–15.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Javier Alonso Trujillo, UNAM FES Iztacala

Doctor en Educación. Profesor titular “B” TC, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. México.

Ariel Ramírez Cortes

Licenciado en Enfermería. Profesor de Asignatura, UNITEC Campus Marina Nacional, México.

Leticia Cuevas Guajardo

Doctora en Educación. Profesor titular “C” TC, Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala, UNAM. México.


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