Determination of the hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic activity of the aqueous extract of solanum melongena

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Susana Zacarías Huerta
Marianela Rivera Herrera
Jessica Carmolinga Abastida
Guillermo Adrián Guevara Camarillo
Adrián Fuentes Castillo
Sandra Reyes Palomino


This research has the objective to check, through

the  scientific  method,  hypoglycemic  and  lipid-

lowering properties of aqueous extract of Solanum

melongena (eggplant) drunk fast. It is a quantitative,

experimental, applicative study in which 14 subjects

aged between 20 and 30 years, men and women,

healthy and available to participate in research, using

a  non-probability  and  purposive  sampling  were

selected. Clinical laboratory two measurements

before and after intervention were made. Subjects

underwent consumption of 500 ml of aqueous

extract fasted for 30 days. We observed no changes

in the level of cholesterol, triglycerides and glucose;

however there was the creased waist circumference

and BMI. The main conclusion from this research

is that the eggplant is not hypoglycemic and lipid-

lowering effect, and weight reduction factors should.


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How to Cite
Zacarías Huerta, S., Rivera Herrera, M., Carmolinga Abastida, J., Guevara Camarillo, G. A., Fuentes Castillo, A., & Reyes Palomino, S. (2016). Determination of the hypolipidemic and hypoglycemic activity of the aqueous extract of solanum melongena. CuidArte Journal, 5(9), 17–24.

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