Validation of an instrument for self-management of pain in elderly with osteoarthritis

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Alejandra Muñoz Morales
María Isabel Peñarrieta



 Validate an instrument that evaluates

the Self-Management of Pain in the Elderly with Osteoarthritis.

Methodology: Validation was

performed in 100 older adults with osteoarthritis,

patients of the National Centre for the Elderly in

the city of Saltillo; Coahuila, Mexico. Construct

validation was used and content through consensus

of expert opinion, cultural adaptation, Cronbach

Alpha and factor analysis.

Results: The results of

the maximum likelihood method showed a goodness

of fit test KMO (0.769) and adequate test Bartlett

3 factors; identifying the dimensions of signs and

symptoms, treatment adherence and knowledge of

the characteristics of chronic pain in osteoarthritis;

with a variance accounted for 62%. To demonstrate

the reliability of the construct, test measurement was

performed using the relationship between each item,

obtaining a Cronbach’s Alpha of .812. The reliability

coefficient of the construct related to the stability in

time between the test and retest is expressed with a

correlation “r” of Pearson 1 to 794 respectively, which

indicates that it has a significant positive correlation

at 0.01 level bilateral dependent between variables.

Conclusions: The instrument is a valid and reliable

tool in Spanish language to be used not only for

nursing but for all staff in the area of Health to

conduct screening Self-Management of Pain in Elderly

with Osteoarthritis. It is suggested to continue the

validation process in different or similar populations.


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How to Cite
Muñoz Morales, A., & Peñarrieta, M. I. (2016). Validation of an instrument for self-management of pain in elderly with osteoarthritis. CuidArte Journal, 5(10), 8–19.

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