Importance of endorphin production to avoid stress and metabolic syndrome

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Leticia Cuevas guajardo


Sustained and chronic stress has one close relationship with metabolic syndrome, any of these two conditions are suitable for the health of the people they are risk factors for developing cardiovascular disease. On the other hand, the endorphins are substances secreted in the brain that may counteract damage caused by stress, both by the metabolic syndrome, and have the advantage of being natural drugs that produce a feeling of well-being and analgesia. One way very suggested today to produce endorphins is steady and moderate physical exercise. This paper presents the most relevant aspects of chronic stress, metabolic syndrome and endorphins. It summed up the most important information for the reader and that it can appreciate the benefits of stimulating the secretion of these natural drugs that we have, as a way of preventing and curing disorders caused by permanent stress.  


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How to Cite
Cuevas guajardo, L. (2015). Importance of endorphin production to avoid stress and metabolic syndrome. CuidArte Journal, 4(7), 6–13.

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Author Biography

Leticia Cuevas guajardo, UNAM FES Iztacala

Doctora en EducaciónProfesora Titular "C" T.C.  FES Iztacala - UNAM


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