Association between the use of technological means and some sleep disorders

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Orquídea Azucena Rojas Flores
Lorena Guadalupe Palomino Morales
Ricardo Romero Villalobos
Aline Benítez Moreno
Nancy Reyes Jiménez


In Mexico there are sleep disorders by altering

the circadian rhythm regulated by diverse nervous,

and these centers are influenced by psychological,

hormonal factors and sleep habits; these can

compromise academic performance, cause accidents,

disturbances of affect and social performance.

Nowadays in Mexico and in the rest of the world it is

lived surrounded with technology and in the young

adults its use appears more. The objetive of this

research is to determine the association between

the use of technological means and the presence

of drowsiness, insomnia and alteration in the sleep

quality in the students of the Facultad de Estudios

Superiores Iztacala. Method: Epidemiologic study,

of quantitative, prospective, transverse, analytical

approach. It was realized with students between the

18 to 25 years. Four instruments were applied to

evaluate the use of technological means, insomnia,

drowsiness and sleep quality. Results: The insomnia

and alteration in the sleep quality isn’t associated

with the exhibition to use of technological means,

nevertheless the drowsiness is associated with

this exhibition factor, the female sex has major

predisposition to present drowsiness compared to

the male sex.

Conclusion: There is statistically significant

association between the drowsiness with the use of

technological means, nevertheless there exist other

factors that influence the result, and it is necessary

to explore it in future investigations.


Article Details

How to Cite
Rojas Flores, O. A., Palomino Morales, L. G., Romero Villalobos, R., Benítez Moreno, A., & Reyes Jiménez, N. (2015). Association between the use of technological means and some sleep disorders. CuidArte Journal, 4(8), 46–54.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

Orquídea Azucena Rojas Flores, UNAM FES Iztacala

Pasante de Licenciatura en Enfermería. FES Iztacala - UNAM.

Lorena Guadalupe Palomino Morales

Pasante de Licenciatura en Enfermería. FES Iztacala - UNAM.

Ricardo Romero Villalobos

Pasante de Licenciatura en Enfermería. FES Iztacala - UNAM.


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