Student mobility. "A journey towards learning"

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Brenda Navarrete Salas
Lady Laura Mayor Rangel
Noemi Susana Rangel Camacho
Zaira Pilar González García
Vanessa Guadalupe Zavala Torres


The type of this

investigation is descriptive, qualitative and


five Nursing students share

their experiences at the mobility program of the

Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala UNAM.

The importance of this research came from the

need to know the process of mobility, because

the students who lived this experience expressed

that stay living abroad was not easy, arguing that

the university does not provide the facilities for

your stay in addition to dealing with a change in

their lifestyle,  join a new society, culture, customs,

language. These changes make them feel new feelings

that affect their mood and academic efficiency.


 The collecting data to register the

information was an interview,

giving us as result

the following categories

: Experiences, Learning,

Adaptation and Feelings -Emotions.



experiences that they mentioned were professional

growth, personal independence, difficulty in

adjusting to the study system.  In the category of

emotions, feelings are ranging from happiness to



 Some of the conclusions reached

by the investigation based on the students’ point of

view is that there is not a good coordination between

the institutions that establish student mobility

agreements. In addition, the adaptation process

it is difficult because they do not have complete

information about the country and the university

they are going.


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How to Cite
Navarrete Salas, B., Mayor Rangel, L. L., Rangel Camacho, N. S., González García, Z. P., & Zavala Torres, V. G. (2015). Student mobility. "A journey towards learning". CuidArte Journal, 4(8), 17–24.

Citas en Dimensions Service


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