The effect of the KOT diet on aterogenic risk in obese women.

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Florami Arenas Guiza
Javier Alonso Trujillo


The profile of lipids is an indicator of aterogenic risk. Diets exist hiperproteic, low-calorie with low index glucemic and rich in fiber as the diet KOT that probably diminishes the aterogenic risk. The KOT diet (designed by CEPRODI-KOT in France), they consist of a set of food formulae created by specialists of nutrition. The aim of this work is to demonstrate that the consumption of a diet KOT for two weeks, can support inside normal limits the levels of cholesterol, tryglicerides, HDLc, LDLc and diminish the aterogenic risk in adult obese women.

This investigation is quasi-experimental, market, longitudinal, and analytical. The results showed decreases in all the indicators of the profile of lipids and in the aterogenic risk, nevertheless, only the cholesterol showed that this decrease was statistically significant. The diet KOT protects against the aterogenic risk but it is suggested that his consumption should be superior to two weeks.


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How to Cite
Arenas Guiza, F., & Alonso Trujillo, J. (2015). The effect of the KOT diet on aterogenic risk in obese women. CuidArte Journal, 3(5), 6–15.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biography

Javier Alonso Trujillo

Profesor titular “A” , T.C.Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala -UNAM