Procedure, Learning, Knowledge, Nursing, Student

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Margarita Acevedo Peña
Norma Ivette Beltrán Lugo


The nursing student will learn the procedures directed towards caring of patients through several methods: the observation, the execution-action and technical repetition of these in clinic scenarios. Currently, nursing teaching is supported by different teaching currents and learning theories. We’ve got to promote that nursing students learn meaningfully, which implies attributing meaning to the learning object material through previous knowledge and the updating learning schemes congruent to each situation.  Albert Bandura’s theory of social learning that is clear and adequate to the way nursing professionists learn, as well as Ausubel provides significative knowledge that has been re-taken in nursing study plans and programs.Key words: Procedure, Learning, Knowledge, Nursing, Student 


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How to Cite
Acevedo Peña, M., & Beltrán Lugo, N. I. (2015). Procedure, Learning, Knowledge, Nursing, Student. CuidArte Journal, 3(6), 14–19.

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