Mission curricula: Training Nursing students in Ethics and Values
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In this modern world in that we lived at the moment it has spoken much of which the society happens through a “crisis of values”; luckily the infirmary profession has conserved its philosophical principles based on the humanism, although when running of the years these have changed; even so, for the infirmary union, always it has been important to conserve and to become attached themselves to a “Code of Values” that norm the profession. The objective of this investigation was the one to distinguish in the Curricula of different universities from Mexico that distribute the Degree in Infirmary the importance that offers him to form in values to their students by means of subjets in Ethics, Axiollogy, Deontology or Humanism or, that raises it in their description although they properly do not give the name him of Ethics or another one with equal meaning. In this Evaluativa Investigation the 96,5% of the reviewed Curricula mentioned ethical aspects and of values in the formation that offer to and the students. Reason why the mission shaped in the reviewed Curricula in ethical questions is fulfilled.
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Cuevas Guajardo, L., Guillén Cadena, D. M., Valadez Díaz, D., & Alonso Trujillo, J. (2013). Mission curricula: Training Nursing students in Ethics and Values. CuidArte Journal, 2(4), 6–19. https://doi.org/10.22201/fesi.23958979e.2013.2.4.69070