Industrial Nursing Activities within the company Kromalabs S.A. from C.V. "Do not make the earthquakes shake" and "Healthy back, invaluable tranquility"

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Alma Cristina Pérez López
Patricia Duarte Alvarado
Juan Ramón Ferrerira Ojeda
Jenny María del Carmen Pérez Pérez


One of the branches in which the nurse can develop professionally is the Industrial, this is responsible for the prevention and control of the health of workers in an enterprise, in addition to notice and identify risks that can cause fatal accidents within the same. Within the company Kromalabs S.A. de C.V. were performed industrial nursing practices which identified certain deficiencies and problems that seemed important for the creation and development of preventive programs, such as the high incidence of workers attending the clinic for back pain, poor posture were observed and routine moves work involves repetitive and gaps regarding evacuation signs, fire alarms, lack of meeting points, etc. for these reasons we believe the programs: “Healthy back, invaluable peace of mind” and “Do not let earthquakes make you tremble". For program development will be planned activities, including lectures for workers which reported back exercises, correct posture, etc. If the program was organized a mock earthquake to assess the skills and knowledge gaps about the workers about the actions during and after an earthquake. The results were favorable for both programs, as the staff was interested and cooperative activities to be developed over the practice.


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How to Cite
Pérez López, A. C., Duarte Alvarado, P., Ferrerira Ojeda, J. R., & Pérez Pérez, J. M. del C. (2012). Industrial Nursing Activities within the company Kromalabs S.A. from C.V. "Do not make the earthquakes shake" and "Healthy back, invaluable tranquility". CuidArte Journal, 1(2), 34–43.

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