Metaparadigma a limitation for Nursing Knowledge

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Margarita Acevedo Peña
Dulce María Guillén Cadena
Ericka García Zeferino


Nursing has evolved in recent decades an important,  emerging as an independent and interdisciplinary  science, medicine and others, for this to happen  it is necessary that all elements of the structure  of knowledge starting with the meta-paradigm,  are interpreted, used and accepted by the nursing  community, “but this concept is being used in the  practice of nursing scenarios?, what are the factors  that influence their applicability?, these questions  can lead us to review what is happening with the  knowledge about nursing, if the limits knowledge metaparadigm. This essay analyzes the factors that  influence the interpretation of the elements that limit metaparadigm nursing knowledge. 


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How to Cite
Acevedo Peña, M., Guillén Cadena, D. M., & García Zeferino, E. (2012). Metaparadigma a limitation for Nursing Knowledge. CuidArte Journal, 1(2), 6–11.

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