Focus and Scope

The CuidArte Magazine "The Art of Caring" belongs to the academic community of the Facultad de Estudios Superiores Iztacala of the Universidad Nacional autónoma de México, its periodicity is biannual in digital version, published on February 15 and August every year.

Its objective is to spread disciplinary, methodological, theoretical, and empirical research, as well as techniques and procedures advances among the members of the academic and scientific community worldwide in discipline of Nursing and Health Sciences.

The willingness of its publication is open to all universities and researchers interested in contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge in Nursing and Health Sciences.



-Original article.

-Review and update article.

-Nursing process.


-Nursing narratives.

-Health diagnosis.




-Social service interns,


-Professionals, and


of the Health Sciences Area (Nursing, Medicine, Biology, Dentistry, Psychology, Optometry, etc.) National and International.

Peer Review Process

Editorial statement

The editorial team will certify that the manuscript fulfills in its entirety the standards for authors, later; it will be consigned to editorial opinion, which includes the following considerations:

  • It will be verified that the postulated manuscript is related to the focus and scope of the journal.
  • Compliance with the guidelines detailed in the application requirements for each of the accepted manuscripts.
  • The manuscript will be submitted according to the specifications of our Plagiarism Detection Policy. If the originality of the manuscript is not guaranteed, the publication process will be concluded.

Once the manuscript is accepted, the main or contact author will be notified of the registration and the beginning of the process of academic decision.


Academic Report

The academic report process is carried out under the modality of double-blind peer review, which means that the identity of the authors and reviewers is kept anonymous.

This phase is composed of the following stages:

  • The manuscript will be sent to two external reviewers, experts in the disciplinary and thematic area of the text.
  • The reviewers will be responsible for revising and analyzing the academic, theoretical and methodological content of the selected manuscript.
  • In case of disagreement with the opinions, a third reviewer will be consulted, who will give a resolution and thus establish the final verdict.

The peer review has a period of 15 working days or calendar days, as appropriate, to issue the corresponding opinion.

Open Access Policy

In accordance with the General Guidelines for Open Access Policy of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, published on September 10, 2015 and considering the principles of Open Access formalized in the Budapest (2002), Bethesda (2003) and Berlin (2003).

Declarations CuidArte Journal allows:

  • Open, public and free access to all its contents, the articles published are under the terms of the Creative Commons CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 License, allowing its reproduction and dissemination without profit, providing they mention the authorship of the work and the first publication in the CuidArte Magazine. 

  • The authors can make other non-exclusive agreements for the self-archiving, deposit or distribution of the version published in the CUIDARTE Magazine. For instance, including it in institutional, national or international database or personal web, clearly indicating that the document was published for the first time in CUIDARTE. In addition, including the DOI citation (Digital Object Identifier) of the article as well.

The CUIDARTE Journal declares that there is no charge to authors for sending, processing or publishing manuscripts.


  • Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Journal History

The CuidArte Journal "The Art of Caring" emerges as the official dissemination organ of the academic community of the Nursing career of the Iztacala Faculty of Higher Studies of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico.

Its objective is to disseminate disciplinary, methodological, theoretical, and empirical research, as well as techniques and procedures advances among the members of the academic and scientific community of the Nursing and Health Sciences discipline worldwide.

The willingness of its publication is open to all universities and researchers interested in contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge in Nursing and Health Sciences.

Key Words:

Nursing;  The field of nursing care concerned with the promotion, maintenance, and restoration of health. 

Health Sciences; Included here are human health sciences, such as medicine, dentistry, nursing, pharmacy, nutrition, public health, physical therapy specialty, and speech, language and hearing sciences. 

Research; Critical and exhaustive investigation or experimentation, having for its aim the discovery of new facts and their correct interpretation, the revision of accepted conclusions, theories, or laws in the light of newly discovered facts, or the practical application of such new or revised conclusions, theories, or laws.