Large Housing Developments in Mexico City: Housing or Political and Economical Projects?

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José Armando Alonso Arenas
Angélica Noemí Juárez Pérez


Domestic contemporary living and Mexico City’s large housing developments have seen postponed their housing pourposes behind political and economical agendas. Developments from the period of history know as "Milagro mexicano" (1940-1970), were political propaganda of the Stae´s modernizing project. Those from the twentieth-first century have mainly favored real-estate developers’ profits. Outcomes, specially for recent experiences, contradict the pourpose of promoting equity through housing production.

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How to Cite
Alonso Arenas, J. A., & Juárez Pérez, A. N. (2016). Large Housing Developments in Mexico City: Housing or Political and Economical Projects?. Bitacora Arquitectura, (32), 74–83.

Citas en Dimensions Service

Author Biographies

José Armando Alonso Arenas

José Armando Alonso Arenas Urbanista Maestrante en Geografía Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Angélica Noemí Juárez Pérez

Angélica Noemí Pérez Juárez Licenciada en Educación Secundaria con especialidad en Historia Becaria del Instituto Nacional de Estudios Históricos de las Revoluciones de México