Xicalango. Puerto Chontal de intercambio: mito y realidad

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Lorenzo Ochoa Salas
Ernesto Vargas Pacheco


In this work, the authors give a general description of the coast
and the coastal plain of Tabasco-Campeche of the possible linguistics developed in the area during prehispanic times, as well as of the history of the occupations therein. Based on the Sixteenth Century historical sources, which provide direct references about Xicalango, and the result of archaeological and linguistics surveys, they intend clarify some obscure points, contradictions and misunderstandings with regard to that ancient Chontal port
of trade. With this, they attempt to eliminate the myth of the relevant political-economical role played by Xicalango in the maya
area few centuries before the Conquest. since. in their opinion,
Xicalango was, perhaps, a second or third-rate port.


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How to Cite
Ochoa Salas, L., & Vargas Pacheco, E. (2009). Xicalango. Puerto Chontal de intercambio: mito y realidad. Annals of Anthropology, 24(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1987.1.9999

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Author Biography

Lorenzo Ochoa Salas, Instituto de Investigaciones Antropológicas

Coordinador Editorial de la revista Anales de Antropología