Transnational school migration and proposals for attention to diversity in teacher training

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Juan Sánchez García


The return migration or first time arrival to Mexico from the United States of school-age children, adolescents, and young people is a phenomenon that has been of interest to social researchers in the last two decades. At present, their number has been increasing, creating a complex situation that represents a challenge for the Mexican educational system. The purpose of this essay is to present a series of arguments based on a 15-year longitudinal analysis of social research on the educational attention of transnational students. Transnational school migration and its problems in the Mexican educational system, the return or arrival of students for the first time in schools, teacher training and attention to diversity are analyzed. In a period of changes in the national educational system, the proposals here presented focus on the initial training of teachers in Mexico with an increased attention to sociocultural diversity.



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How to Cite
Sánchez García, J. (2021). Transnational school migration and proposals for attention to diversity in teacher training. Annals of Anthropology, 55(1), 97–103.

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Author Biography

Juan Sánchez García

Maestro decado y jefe de investigación.