Overweight, obesity and socio-cultural conditions in schoo l children between seven and eleven years old in the city of Orizaba, Veracruz
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274 male and female students between seven and eleven years old in the city of Orizaba, Veracruz, malnourishment by overweight and obesity, and socio-cultural conditions of their daily lives were evaluated by quantitative and qualitative methods, and indexes weight for age , body mass index (bmi) and sum of skinfolds. We used the Epi - Info version 3.4.3 software and the standard of the 2000 NCHS (National Center for Health Statistics). The socio-cultural conditions were analyzed, a food survey of 24-hour recall to 132 individuals and an activity recall questionnaire to 126 children were applied. Some overweight children were selectede for participant observation and interviews. The distribution curve of the total sample weight for age in mean z scores showed bias to the right. In the classification of bmi, 41.6 % of the total sample were overweight or at risk of overweight. The amount of fat pads showed a high percentage of obesity and 16 % of the sample had excess adiposity. These results relate to large consumption of high-calorie foods and prevailing sedentary habits.
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Citas en Dimensions Service
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