Paralelos transpacíficos de las altas culturas americanas y su cronología
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The possibility of seafaring people reaching pre-Hispanic America seems to be generally accepted. Transpacific parallels, on the other hand, do not point towards the massive transplant of Asiatic or Indonesian cultures to the New World. Their long chronology, reaching to recent times makes the comparison between their traits and ancient America quite legitimate, In Asia. Mesopotamia seems to be the root from where some
culture traits iike pyramids, sculpture of certain types, etc.,
stem. These are transmitted soon to the Mohenjo Daro culture in India that influences the Megalithic culture of Indonesia and China. With the "Old Pacific Style" are combined some elements of the Shans and Chou cultures that appeared after influences of the Dniestro-Danubian Pottery had reached China. By the end of the Fourth millenium, Jomon pottery from -Japan diffused. Some EuroPean types are carried tó Southeast Asia about 800 B.C by the pontic migration and they are influential in forming the Dongson culture that reaches Indonesia, where Chinese influence is important at the end of the Han Dynasty and afterwards Indian colonization sets up the Hinduized states of Indochina and Indonesia, with strong influences from the Amaravati art of India. The Chen-La, Fu-Nan and Angkor cultures were organized then and their artistic productions made. Polynesian culture is formed from the first millenium, B.C., and its sanctuaries and sculptures, related to those of the old Meqalithic culture of Indonesia, are adopted in large parts of the Pacific area. The discussion centers in the parallels between these traits and the ones that are found in America: The Valdivia (Ecuador) pottery. spiral decorations, figunes of monsters, the "megalithic culture of Indonesia with its ritual sites and sculptures, pre-classic architecture and sculpture in Mexico and Peru. the likeness of Mava culture with India, Indochina and Indonesia, some types of pyramids in South America that are like the ones in Gupta India. The developments in Mathematics, astronomy, calendaries, religion, state organization, court ceremonial, etc.
culture traits iike pyramids, sculpture of certain types, etc.,
stem. These are transmitted soon to the Mohenjo Daro culture in India that influences the Megalithic culture of Indonesia and China. With the "Old Pacific Style" are combined some elements of the Shans and Chou cultures that appeared after influences of the Dniestro-Danubian Pottery had reached China. By the end of the Fourth millenium, Jomon pottery from -Japan diffused. Some EuroPean types are carried tó Southeast Asia about 800 B.C by the pontic migration and they are influential in forming the Dongson culture that reaches Indonesia, where Chinese influence is important at the end of the Han Dynasty and afterwards Indian colonization sets up the Hinduized states of Indochina and Indonesia, with strong influences from the Amaravati art of India. The Chen-La, Fu-Nan and Angkor cultures were organized then and their artistic productions made. Polynesian culture is formed from the first millenium, B.C., and its sanctuaries and sculptures, related to those of the old Meqalithic culture of Indonesia, are adopted in large parts of the Pacific area. The discussion centers in the parallels between these traits and the ones that are found in America: The Valdivia (Ecuador) pottery. spiral decorations, figunes of monsters, the "megalithic culture of Indonesia with its ritual sites and sculptures, pre-classic architecture and sculpture in Mexico and Peru. the likeness of Mava culture with India, Indochina and Indonesia, some types of pyramids in South America that are like the ones in Gupta India. The developments in Mathematics, astronomy, calendaries, religion, state organization, court ceremonial, etc.
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Bosch-Gimpera, P. (2010). Paralelos transpacíficos de las altas culturas americanas y su cronología. Anales De Antropología, 7.
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