Antropología y crisis del sentido: algunos apuntes

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Mechthild Rutsch


The essay argues in favour of studies about the history of mexican anthropology and its philosophical and sociological dimensions. From this point of view it examines the dispute in anglosaxon anthropology between deconstructionst and positivist positions, by way of the Freeman-Mead dispute as well as the epistemological pretensions that are explicit in the work of the german ethnologist H.P. Duerr. The last parragraphs are dedicated to an overall view of the discussion concerning paradigms and ethnological explanation in Mexcio during the two last decades. It concludes by suggesting that the epistemological and historical examination of the disciplines past is a precondition for an (auto) critical analysis of the actually dominant modernist tendencies in current of mexican anthropology.


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How to Cite
Rutsch, M. (2010). Antropología y crisis del sentido: algunos apuntes. Annals of Anthropology, 30(1).

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