Marginación o integración
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In many of the Latin American, Asian and African countries, permanently different groups of the working people are being integrated into the industrial reserve army of the capitalist system by the process of definitive domination of capitalist relations in the agriculture and by the continuing accumulation of capital. This does not mean an isolated process of so-called "rnarginalization" of important parts of the population, but the proceeding polarization of the two main social classes of the capitalist society, In such regions in which great parts of the working people belong to ethnic or national rninorities, notably in Peru, Bolivia, etc., the mentioned polarization is closely connected with the integration of these indigenous groups into the national economy and society, with resulting essential changes in the socio-economic structure and the traditional way of life of these minorities, too.
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Hartwing, W. A. (2010). Marginación o integración. Annals of Anthropology, 14(1).
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