El factor de comunicación en el contacto norte-sur de Mesoamérica

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Jaime Litvak King


The paper presents a model for the functioning of the Valley of Oaxaca, Monte Alban in particular, during the Classic. It supports the exisfence of two main routes joining the Valley of Mexico with the Maya Area, one through the Teotitlán-Cuicatlan gorge to the ralley of Oaxaca and then to the Tuxtlas region and another one using the coastal plain of the Gulf of Mexico. Monte Alban's probable role in the Teotihuacan-oriented Classic netrvork would be, in the Proposed model, that of a major regional link controlling the first route and being able to intercept, but only temporarily, the other one. An interruption of the inland route would cause traffic to be diverted towards the coastal way, thereby increasing transportation costs because of the added length of the journey and therefore weakening the link between Northern and Southern Mesoamerica but also would bring an added weight to the Teotihuacan presence in the Gulf Area, particularily in its Central and Southern regions, since exchange would have continued. In effect such an interruption would affect the Oaxaca Valley most of all by severing its ties with the Central area. If the proposed situation is operative the area discussed would tend to gravitate towards a new focal region, roughly corresponding to the Balsas River basin where it might have played a role as a focus in a non exclusive position since it would be in competition with Xochicalco, better located for the purpose. In effect the consequence would be the reduction of the Monte Alban supporting area to the Valley itself and to its adjoining Mixteca region which would be insufficient for the maintenance of its former florescent level, The proposed model is shown to correspond to va¡iation in materials and their distribution durins the Classic.


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How to Cite
Litvak King, J. (2010). El factor de comunicación en el contacto norte-sur de Mesoamérica. Annals of Anthropology, 14(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1977.1.16828

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