La costa oriental de Quintana Roo. Un modelo de desarrollo alternativo para la zona maya

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Ernesto Vargas Pacheco


In this work it is propoeed that the economic basis for the great development of the eastern coast of Quintana Roo can not be due
only to agriculture. It must be based, fundamentally, on fishing,
hunting and agriculture. Accepting Lange's (1971) proposal we believe that access to the sea permitt them the domain of a communication route where trade played an importante role. The interchanges are wars resolved by pacific means (Levi-Strauss), nevertheless the region's inestability is reflected on the site's walls, that provide a belic idea. To our judgement a number of modalities of this region is due to the presence of two groups: üe local and the chontal.


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How to Cite
Vargas Pacheco, E. (2010). La costa oriental de Quintana Roo. Un modelo de desarrollo alternativo para la zona maya. Annals of Anthropology, 25(1).

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