Mitología y utopismo del azúcar

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Eduardo Rosenzvaig


Sugar industry at the no¡th from Argentina, from its origins in
the XIX century, until its annihilation in the decade of the 70,
is revised step by step in this paper. Connection and insertion with production systems and political life are analyzed through mythical and ideological conceptions of the participant social sectors. In this way owners of country properties and sugar mills, and workers, face each other in the closed universe of sugar production, in which they structure and defend opposed programs and aspirations. Dichotomic interwoven ideas, myrths or utopias, fight, oppose and fuse. While for proprietors myths is based on progress, their progress, for workers the idea of liberty constitutes their utopia. This in a beginning, because later this frame transforms in total form.


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How to Cite
Rosenzvaig, E. (2010). Mitología y utopismo del azúcar. Annals of Anthropology, 29(1).

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