El sistema dual de festivales de los tepehuanes del sureste de Durango
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The tepehuan religious system has a coherent and systematized
order, made up of two opposite elements that are in contradiction,
but complement each other. During the celebration of xiotahl, the tepehuan do not drink alcohol, have sex, eat salt, get angry, take a bath or change clothing. But all of this can be done during the catholic celebrations, and the consumption of mezcal is encouraged, to the point of drunkenness. This example makes evident the dual way of thinking that is practiced by this group and allows them to mix two differet religions in their daily life. The non-christian traditional festivities help mantain the unity and identity of the group, since they allow the participation of the whole community and emphasize their traditiona¡ values and products.
order, made up of two opposite elements that are in contradiction,
but complement each other. During the celebration of xiotahl, the tepehuan do not drink alcohol, have sex, eat salt, get angry, take a bath or change clothing. But all of this can be done during the catholic celebrations, and the consumption of mezcal is encouraged, to the point of drunkenness. This example makes evident the dual way of thinking that is practiced by this group and allows them to mix two differet religions in their daily life. The non-christian traditional festivities help mantain the unity and identity of the group, since they allow the participation of the whole community and emphasize their traditiona¡ values and products.
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How to Cite
Remigton de Willett, E. A. (2010). El sistema dual de festivales de los tepehuanes del sureste de Durango. Annals of Anthropology, 29(1). https://doi.org/10.22201/iia.24486221e.1992.1.15701
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