Clima e Historia
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This essay is a preliminary assessement of the role of climate on
human life and the development of cultural processes, taking into account long term climatic alterations. Information is given on the causes and ages of glaciations, based on the identification of their remains and the appearance of Homo Sapiens sapíens during the last one. A recapitulation of research on paleoclimatology done in Mexico will be presented, with emphasis on the relations between climate and cultural transformations in our history.
human life and the development of cultural processes, taking into account long term climatic alterations. Information is given on the causes and ages of glaciations, based on the identification of their remains and the appearance of Homo Sapiens sapíens during the last one. A recapitulation of research on paleoclimatology done in Mexico will be presented, with emphasis on the relations between climate and cultural transformations in our history.
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How to Cite
Lorenzo Bautista, J. L. (2010). Clima e Historia. Annals of Anthropology, 29(1).
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