Cambio de la dieta familiar en Yalcobá Yucatán
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This study analyses family dietary change in Yalcoba, due to the transition from subsistence agriculture to market economy that is taking place in this peasant community of soulheast Mexico. Its focus is on the effect of male migration and socioecoaomic status on family diet. Oür results indicate that low socioecononic status families have a higher intake of traditional foods than families with more economic resources, and that young migrants have a radical change in their diet. Economic change and migration have an effect on the decrease of self sufficiency and as a consecuence there is a deterioration on family diet in Yalcoba.
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Daltabuit Godás, M., & Ríos Torres, A. (2010). Cambio de la dieta familiar en Yalcobá Yucatán. Annals of Anthropology, 29(1).
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