Tlazoltéotl, una Diosa del Maguey

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Katarzina Mikulska


The objective of this paper is to review the character and the functions of the goddess Tlazoltéotl taking a semiotic approach. To this end a concept of distinctive and optional iconographic features will be used assuming they all have a particular meaning. The character and functions of a deity are defined by its complete visualization consisting of iconographic features. The more distinctive the features the more precisely the prevailing function of deity may be recognized. If the same iconographic features are included in the images of more deities, the features refer to the shared characteristics or functions. In line with this approach the main functions of Tlazoltéotl are defined by the symbolism of her iconographic features. Consequently the features that associate Tlazoltéotl with the maguey, as well as with other deities related to this plant are presented in the paper.


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How to Cite
Mikulska, K. (2010). Tlazoltéotl, una Diosa del Maguey. Anales De Antropología, 35(1).

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