Reuso de residuos de la industria metal-mecánica para el tratamiento de efluentes que contienen contaminantes reducibles

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M. Yuliana Flores Luna
Maribel Velasco Pérez
Margarita Beltrán Villavicencio
Mabel Vaca Mier
Alethia Vázquez Morillas


Metal mechanical industry produces annually tons of waste composed mainly of iron shavings. This research evaluates the feasability of using those iron shavings for reduction of Cr(VI) in wastewater. Analysis of shavings showed they were composed essentially of iron (>90% peso), with other metal at trace levels. Leaching tests were performed to verify the shavings do not release toxic components in contact with wastewater. Finally, the shavings were used to reduce Cr(VI); 95% of Cr(VI) was reduced in solutions containing initial levels of 100-300 mg/L. Reduction is not strongly affected by presence of carbonate, sulphides, chloride and organic compounds. This is a very attractive process, which uses a common waste to reduce water pollution in a cost-effective way.

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How to Cite
Flores Luna, M.Y., Velasco Pérez, M., Beltrán Villavicencio, M., Vaca Mier, M. and Vázquez Morillas, A. 2009. Reuso de residuos de la industria metal-mecánica para el tratamiento de efluentes que contienen contaminantes reducibles. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 1 (Nov. 2009).

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Author Biography

M. Yuliana Flores Luna

Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana, Unidad Azcapotzalco
San Pablo # 180, Colonia Reynosa Tamaulipas, Delegación Azcapotzalco, México D. F., CP 02200, Teléfono 55-5318-9075 y 55-5318-9579. Fax 55-5318-9080. Correo electrónico:,