Criterios de diseño para lagunas de efluentes de tambos en condiciones nacionales

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Soledad Gutiérrez
Noel Cabrera


The concept of “best applicable technology” has been adopted as the basic guidance criterion for the development of dairy farm effluent treatment. Systems of pond in series (an anaerobic pond followed by a facultative pond) have been widely used in milk‐producing countries, as New Zealand and Australia. Dozens of these systems have been built in Uruguay according to the designs of these first systems. However, the criteria were not adapted to the conditions of the national production. These passive systems were originally designed and built for domestic wastewater treatment. When they treat dairy farm effluents they achieve an important reduction of the organic load, but they do not meet the nitrogen, phosphorus and pathogen limits required by the legislation to discharge these effluents into water bodies. Significant differences between domestic and dairy farm effluents such as the proportion of solids and the C:N:P ratio, and their concentrations, justify this inefficiency. This work intends to discuss the results obtained from pond systems designed according to domestic wastewater criteria or according to criteria imported from other countries, and to present design equations for this type of systems that are operated under the conditions of the national production.

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How to Cite
Gutiérrez, S. and Cabrera, N. 2009. Criterios de diseño para lagunas de efluentes de tambos en condiciones nacionales. Revista AIDIS de ingeniería y ciencias ambientales: Investigación, desarrollo y práctica. 1, 2 (Nov. 2009).

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Author Biographies

Soledad Gutiérrez

Ingeniera Química formada en la Universidad de la Republica (Uruguay). Doctorado en Ing. Química en curso en la UDELAR. Prof. Asistente del Depto. de Ingeniería de Reactores, Facultad de Ingeniería. Responsable del proyecto INIA - FPTA: Estimación de los parámetros nacionales y básicos para el procesamiento y utilización de los residuos sólidos y líquidos de tambos.

Herrera y Reissig 565 Montevideo - CP11300 Uruguay Tel.: (598-2) 711- 4478 (Int.102) Fax.: (598-2) ..- e-mail.:

Noel Cabrera

Ingeniera Química formada en la Universidad de la República (Uruguay). Prof. Ayudantedel Depto. de Ingeniería de Reactores de la UDELAR.