The articles on behavior analysis in education in brazilian journals

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Victor Faria Nicolino
Maria de Lourdes Bara Zanotto


With reference to research produced by analysts of behavior and the fact that education has been, over the years, a topic of interest to researchers of the national behavioral approach has been proposed that the present research. Our goal was to achieve a characterization of what is being produced by the Behavior Analysis in education based on the analysis of papers published in national journals. We use as a source of brazilian data published journals in the period from 1961 to 2006, focusing specifically the approach of behavioral research in the area of Education. The results show that regular education is the most common mode of education in the publications reviewed (53 research articles in 71 examined) and the participating school of the setting used in most studies.

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How to Cite
Faria Nicolino, V., & Bara Zanotto, M. de L. (2011). The articles on behavior analysis in education in brazilian journals. Acta Comportamentalia, 19(3). Retrieved from

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