Análisis de las interacciones madre-hijo retardado: una perspectiva interconductual

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Yolanda Guevara Benítez
Guadalupe Mares Cárdenas


Fourteen mother-retarded child dyada were formally and functionally classified in their interactions in four different contexts: feeding, personal cleaning, homework and free play. Categories employed to analyze those interactions were derived from interactive functional levels proposed by Ribes and López. (1985). Data showed that most mothers did not promote the interactions of their children with the physical or social environment. Only in three dyada, mothers promoted in their children the direct manipulation of the physical environment as well as the manipulation of the environment through gestures and linguistic response. Contexts may be responsible of the differences observed regarding the behaviors promoted by mothers. In homework and feeding contexts, mothers did not promote any behavior. In personal cleaning and free play contexts most mothers promoted high levels of direct manipulation of the physical environment. Additionally, only in the free play context, three mothers intensively promoted in their children the indirect manipulation of the environment through language.

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How to Cite
Guevara Benítez, Y., & Mares Cárdenas, G. (2010). Análisis de las interacciones madre-hijo retardado: una perspectiva interconductual. Acta Comportamentalia, 2(1). Retrieved from

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