Some clarifications about the concept of emotion

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Alejandro Tomasini Bassols


My aim is to make a succinet presentation and to contrast to conceptions of emotions, viz., the one that derives from a computational and modular theory of the mind and the one that can be extracted from the Wittgenstein’s writings. I attempt to demonstrate that the former is founded on radical misinterpretations and that, in the end, it lacks explanatory power. I will try to exhibit several fallacies that are present in the writings of the various advocates of cognitivism, such as begging the question, circularity, vicious, regressions, etc. I also want to clarify that the notions that are used in “cognitive psychology” either inevitably have a behaviorist character or are completely meaningless.

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How to Cite
Tomasini Bassols, A. (2010). Some clarifications about the concept of emotion. Acta Comportamentalia, 9(3). Retrieved from

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