An interpretation of the problem of specification in terms of contingencies of reinforcement

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Olivier Lefebvre
Yanick Miossec
Jean-Claude Darcheville


A review of the literature concerning space perception shows that a recurrent question is about specification. This question refers to the modalities of environmental properties (distal stimulus) representation by proximal stimulus (Heider, 1926). Two different popular theories known as ecological and inferential have been proposed, while they still share the same informational interpretation of this problematic. An alternative interpretation is therefore proposed in terms of reinforcement contingencies rather than information. So, the need of reconsidering the function of perceptive activities is shown, just as the functional similarity between this kind of activity and others behaviors of organisms. Moreover, the possibility to shift research from optical and acoustical questions towards new experimental and theoretical investigations is highlighted. Finally, it is argued that this interpretation offers naturally a paradigm which provides experimental advantages over more classical one. This paradigm is that of schedules of reinforcemen.

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How to Cite
Lefebvre, O., Miossec, Y., & Darcheville, J.-C. (2009). An interpretation of the problem of specification in terms of contingencies of reinforcement. Acta Comportamentalia, 15(1). Retrieved from

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