Adam Smith: construction of an exegesis of Political Economy

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Marcia Solorza


Analyzing how the moral philosophical foundations of natural law and rationalism followed by Adam Smith traced the route of the defense of political liberalism, expressed in the creation of a civil society with a Liberal and economic State is the object of this essay. The systematization of knowledge, about ethics, harmony, a sense of ownership, egoism and sympathy, a pair of opposite feelings, are reasons to create an explanatory plot, a set of postulates that serve as support for a theory of the economic process of industrial production-mercantile. Adam Smith was ahead of his time by enunciating work as the central role in the creation of surplus in production, distribution and consumption from the perspective of political economy. The distribution of the income obtained from the sale of the product is distributed according to the position of the social groups in production and economic realization. Capital accumulation is expanded as part of income to continue broadening value generation.

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How to Cite
Solorza, M. (2023). Adam Smith: construction of an exegesis of Political Economy. Ola Financiera, 16(46), 52–73.

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