A Note on Technology, Skill Formation, and Economic Instability

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Cyrus Bina


The persisted throughout all these years is a universal tendency of capitalism to worldwide instability (and crisis) beyond a single country or region, engulfing the entire planet. This note tends to focus on a related subset of such instabilities that has to do with fast-paced, hyper-competitive technological change due to the transnationalization of capital and thus globalization of world economy. In consequence, this would have a devastating and indeed disrupting effect on the existing skills across the various sectors of the economy, and ultimately beyond the geography of production outside the boundary of nation-states

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How to Cite
Bina, C. (2020). A Note on Technology, Skill Formation, and Economic Instability. Ola Financiera, 13(37), 50–65. https://doi.org/10.22201/fe.18701442e.2020.37.77772

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