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Ola Financiera


It had been more than a century since the commemoration of Labor Day has not been suspended worldwide; as weakened as the vast world of labor has at times been, throughout the world there had always been an effort to remember that without workers, the production of wealth would be canceled. May 2020 will be remembered for that unprecedented event, but also because the health contingency, whose magnitude and effects, suspended the whirlwind of wealth creation that only benefits a tiny segment of the planet. This situation again presents this segment of labor with the dilemma of recovering their strength, energy and power in an organized way, to retake the demands that in these new conditions must be demanded, or to be subjected to paying for social disasters again.

This global situation has also shined a light on other contingents from the world of work throughout the world: the heroes risking their health, and in some cases their lives, while their recognition as humans, and pay as workers, has been greatly belittled by insane austerity policies, the true cancer as A. Parguez reminds readers in this installment of www.olafinanciera.unam.mx.

This situation, undoubtedly extreme, has made us think from various angles how to restart the social process as a whole; in addition to the recognition and importance of work in its myriad areas of  material and immaterial wealth production, there is the primordial consideration of the environment. On these two pillars for survival, work and the environment, the enjoyment and joy of a true process of humanization must include a collective reflection, so that their use is rational, not destructive. That the products of work and the environment are distributed equitably, assuring respect and recognition for both, as the source of all wealth. In this way, next May, and all subsequent ones, Labor Day can be celebrated under new conditions of equality, respect and solidarity.

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How to Cite
Financiera, O. (2020). Editorial. Ola Financiera, 13(36). Retrieved from https://journals.unam.mx/index.php/ROF/article/view/76015

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