The dramatic consequences of so many years of addiction to austerity Is there still hope for the future?

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Alain Parguez


In a first part, I unveil the true nature of austerity policies. In the second part, I explain that over years, for near forty years, austerity became a deadly addiction enshrining the triumph of an ideology: modern neo-liberalism (MNL). The last part is dedicated to the proof that the addiction to austerity destroyed the very fabric of the capitalist economy. In the conclusion, I emphasize that herein is the explanation of the unability of society to confront a terryfying exogeneous shock, like the ongoing pandemy. Instead of renouncing for ever to their addiction, governments strive to save their ideology like drug-addicted individuals unable to escape their fate.

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How to Cite
Parguez, A. (2020). The dramatic consequences of so many years of addiction to austerity Is there still hope for the future?. Ola Financiera, 13(36), 1–18.

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