Capitalism and its crises. Can the great crises of 1873, 1929 and 2008 be compared?

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Dominique Plihon


Capitalism has generated a wide range of crises, of which those of 1873, 1929 and 2008 stand out and involve not only the economic field, for which they can be defined as systemic. This collaboration analyzes what were their origins, mechanisms, agents and finally what were the instruments used to address them. This approach hopefully allows readers to see the similarities and differences between and thus have a broader perspective of the crisis that the global economy is currently experiencing.

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How to Cite
Plihon, D. (2015). Capitalism and its crises. Can the great crises of 1873, 1929 and 2008 be compared?. Ola Financiera, 8(21), 44–53.

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